
Complete Automation using Micro-controllers with IIot Based Projects


The emerging advances in the field of the Micro-controller based Industrial Automation in compliance with Internet of things or IoT are game changers for any industries. One can see IoT everywhere, devices of all shapes and sizes. Soon IoT technology is poised to disrupt several other industries.

  1. IIoT (Industrial IoT) based automation solutions for insighful data.
  2. IoT Projects for various processes in different large scale industries 
  3. IoT Home Automation 

  4. Data transfer from various analog devices using RS232/485 Interfaces used in large scale industries
  5. Data transfers through ethernet
  6. Air pollution monitoring system used in industries like oil and gas, mining , chemical etc.
  7. Weather Reporting system by data transfer from various temperature sensors.
  8. Any Complex automation with 4-20 mA data from sensors using Micro-controllers